Victorian Inquiry into Women’s Pain - WHSN Submission 2024

The Victorian Women's Health Services Network (WHSN) is pleased to share its combined submission to the Victorian Government's Inquiry into Women's Pain. This submission highlights critical issues and provides a comprehensive set of recommendations aimed at improving the health outcomes and care experiences of women and gender-diverse people across Victoria.

Key Issues and Matters Addressed

The WHSN's submission focuses on several pivotal areas that impact the experience and management of pain among women and gender-diverse people:

  1. Listening to Local Voices: Emphasising the necessity of incorporating the lived experiences of women and gender-diverse people in the development of health policies. This includes recognising intersectional barriers and ensuring community priorities are reflected in policy-making.

  2. Engaging Clinicians and Workforce Gender Equity: Highlighting the importance of enforcing Gender Impact Assessments and creating a gender-equitable healthcare workforce. The submission calls for systemic changes to ensure healthcare providers integrate gender considerations into their practices and policies.

  3. Research and Training: Advocating for the development of best-practice guidelines to embed gender equity in medical research and education. The submission stresses the need for comprehensive training and the inclusion of gender as a core element in medical curricula.

  4. Service Delivery and Referral Pathways: Identifying barriers to accessing care, particularly in rural and regional areas, and recommending strategies to increase access to primary care and specialist services. The submission emphasizes the importance of holistic, patient-centered, and trauma-informed care.

  5. Health Promotion and Education: Urging investment in women's health services to enhance health literacy and reduce stigma surrounding chronic pain. The submission calls for targeted health promotion initiatives that address the social determinants of health and promote gender equity.

Key Recommendations

The WHSN's submission aligns with the Inquiry's Terms of Reference and includes the following recommendations:

  • Strengthening Gender Equality in Healthcare: Ensuring all healthcare providers comply with the Gender Equality Act and that gender considerations are consistently applied across the healthcare system.

  • Addressing Family Violence: Developing targeted health policies for women who have experienced family violence, with a focus on addressing pain-related health issues.

  • Enhancing Research and Training: Advocating for federal and state governments to prioritize gender equity in health research funding and medical education.

  • Improving Access to Care: Expanding access to culturally safe, patient-centered care across Victoria, particularly in under-served areas.

  • Promoting Health Literacy: Investing in public education and health promotion to improve awareness and understanding of chronic pain among women and gender-diverse people.


The Victorian Women's Health Services Network's submission underscores the need for a collaborative and coordinated approach to achieving gender and intersectional equity in healthcare. By implementing these recommendations, we can work towards a healthcare system that truly supports the health and wellbeing of all Victorians.


Gender Analysis Victorian State Budget 2024-25 - WHSN & GEN VIC